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'Cats' Star Jennifer Hudson Settles Nasty Custody Battle With Ex David Otunga

Source: Yahoo Wellness
July 18, 2019 at 17:55
“Cats” star Jennifer Hudson has finally reached a deal to end her years-long battle with ex David Otunga over custody of their son.

According to the Chicago Tribune, the singer and Otunga agreed on a parenting agreement that covers all issues of child support and custody.

The two were behind closed doors for seven hours working out the details. This development will end the vicious court battle between the exes.

Back in 2017, Hudson originally filed for an emergency order of protection accusing Otunga of pushing her while holding their son David. The court granted the temporary request, but Hudson would later drop the petition altogether. Otunga has always denied the allegations.

Since she dropped her petition for an order of protection, the two had been battling it out in court with each filing motion after motion in court accusing the other of playing legal games.

At one point, ‘The Voice’ star even feared he would kidnap their son and David claimed she was trying to defame him with her allegations.

During the battle, Hudson trashed Otunga and refused to pay his bills.

She denied the best decision was to give Otunga primary custody and “denies that her working and David either not working or professing not to work makes him more fit to personally care for the child in the City where the child attends school.”

Her filing wrote, “To accept David’ proposition that because he is present, he is a better parent would be to do a disservice to working parents in general and to Jennifer in particular.” She also calls into question his ability to raise their son in a safe, consistent and loving environment.”

Hudson took particular issue with the idea of her paying for Otunga’s housing costs. She said Otunga was well able to pay for a home if he actually tried to get a job.

The filing added, “Nothing entitles David to live in a home identical to Jennifer’s”

Hudson argued she had no duty to support Otunga and “denies that the child support should extend to housing subsidies for David when the parties were never married.”

She wrote, “Having a child with a celebrity should not be the basis to treat David like someone who has given birth to a child and who has no means of supporting the child. Jennifer is the one who gave birth to the minor child who had the minor child with her as she traveled prior to the difficulties the parties experienced in their relationship.”

Otunga had even recently fired off a subpoena to Jennifer’s sister Julie requesting she sit for a deposition in the case. The two have even been fighting over the choice of school bus stops.

Earlier this year, the two were unable to reach a settlement and the court set a trial date of August 5. The new agreement means that will be taken off the calendar.

Hudson is having quite the week with not only ending this battle but the trailer for her highly-anticipated film "Cats" premieres this Friday.

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