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U.S Election

Poll: Trump catches Clinton in three swing states

Source: USA Today:
July 13, 2016 at 08:16
A new poll has good news for Donald Trump in the swing states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Trump has rallied and is now ahead or tied in those three key battlegrounds, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released Wednesday.

"He has wiped out Hillary Clinton's lead in Florida; is on the upside of too-close to call races in Florida and Pennsylvania and is locked in a dead heat in Ohio," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

The numbers, according to Quinnipiac:

Florida: Trump at 42% to Clinton's 39%, compared to a 47-39% Clinton lead on June 21;

Ohio: Clinton and Trump tied 41-41%, compared to a 40-40% tie June 21;

Pennsylvania: Trump at 43% to Clinton's 41%, compared to June 21, when Clinton had 42% to Trump's 41%.

One possible reason for Clinton's drop: Her use of private email while secretary of State.

Said Brown: "While there is no definite link between Clinton's drop in Florida and the U.S. Justice Department decision not to prosecute her for her handling of emails, she has lost ground to Trump on questions which measure moral standards and honesty."

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