The government of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has recently been keen to demonstrate its tough stance on Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), with reports of Turkish military operations against the terror group filling the national headlines.

However, RT learned that the situation on the ground is very different f-rom that presented by Ankara when its correspondent, Lizzie Phelan, visited the Turkish town of Karkamis near the border area in Syria controlled by IS.

IS militants and their fortifications in the Syrian town of Jarablus are “strikingly visible” f-rom the other side of the frontier, RT’s Phelan reported.

“When we zoom across the border, on top of… the building we can clearly see an IS flag,” she said." />

ISIS digs trenches, plants mines on Syrian border as Turkish military looks away (EXCLUSIVE)

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The Turkish military has been ordered to ignore Islamic State’s activities on Turkey’s border with Syria, allowing the jihadists to dig trenches and plant mines unimpeded, locals in the frontier town of Karkamis told RT.
The government of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has recently been keen to demonstrate its tough stance on Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), with reports of Turkish military operations against the terror group filling the national headlines.

However, RT learned that the situation on the ground is very different f-rom that presented by Ankara when its correspondent, Lizzie Phelan, visited the Turkish town of Karkamis near the border area in Syria controlled by IS.

IS militants and their fortifications in the Syrian town of Jarablus are “strikingly visible” f-rom the other side of the frontier, RT’s Phelan reported.

“When we zoom across the border, on top of… the building we can clearly see an IS flag,” she said.
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