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United States

US files terrorism charges against NYC attacker, questions 2nd Uzbek man

Source: RT::
November 1, 2017 at 21:11
Sayfullo Saipov has been charged with providing material support and resources to the Islamic State terrorist group, in connection with the truck attack in Manhattan that killed eight people. A second Uzbek man is being questioned in relation to the attack.
Saipov, 29, was formally accused Wednesday of killing at least eight people when he allegedly rammed a rented Home Depot truck into people on a bike path in lower Manhattan in New York City on Tuesday.

FBI assistant director William Sweeney said that the charges filed “should be taken as no indication that our work here is over,” and that authorities continue to investigate Saipov's social network history and other leads to further understand his motivation.

"We will not stop until every last lead has been covered," Sweeney said.

According to Reuters, the terrorist suspect verbally waived his "Miranda" rights while at Bellevue Hospital, where he was taken for treatment after being shot in the abdomen and apprehended by police Tuesday.

Saipov, a native of Uzbekistan living legally in the US since 2010, told law enforcement that Islamic State videos he watched on his cell phone inspired him to carry out the attack, US officials told Reuters.

US officials said that Saipov chose Tuesday to mount the attack because it was Halloween, and he expected more people to be out in public, Reuters reported.

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