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United States

Trump wants to ‘LIBERATE’ states under strict ‘stay-at-home’ orders over Covid-19 outbreak

Source: RT
April 17, 2020 at 15:45
Donald Trump leads daily coronavirus response briefing at the White House in Washington ©  REUTERS/Leah Millis
Donald Trump leads daily coronavirus response briefing at the White House in Washington © REUTERS/Leah Millis
US President Donald Trump called for multiple states governed by Democrats to be ‘liberated’ from strict stay-at-home orders. The vague message earned heated reactions, with everyone reading their own meaning into it.

Trump called on residents of Minnesota, Michigan, and Virgina to “liberate” their states, according to a tweetstorm sent out on Friday.

The president’s call for liberation came only minutes after Fox News aired a segment on protests in all three states against lockdown orders.

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