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Paul Ryan defends support of Donald Trump

July 12, 2016 at 22:51
He pledged Tuesday to speak out and defend his principles whenever they diverge with those of Trump.

(CNN) - House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday defended his endorsement of Donald Trump -- despite his frequent differences with the presumptive GOP nominee -- saying the only alternative is giving the presidency to Hillary Clinton.

"It is a binary choice," Ryan said at a CNN town hall hosted by Jake Tapper. "It is either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. You don't get a third option."
But the challenge facing Ryan was clear when he was asked a question by Zachary Marcone, a Republican who said he couldn't support Trump because he is "openly racist."
"Can you tell me, how can you morally justify your support for this kind of candidate?" Marcone asked.

Ryan didn't address the premise of the question, reiterating his stance that opposing Trump amounts to supporting Clinton. He pledged to always speak his mind when he disagrees with Trump but argued that the best chance for conservatives to have their priorities signed into law is with the businessman in the White House and pointed to the ability of the next president to nominate Supreme Court justices.

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