Police said they have detained three adults in relation to the shooting.
The best of the news f-rom the U.S
Police said they have detained three adults in relation to the shooting.
PATROL car video shows a white Austin, Texas, police officer violently throwing a black woman to the ground during a traffic stop, followed by another white officer telling her black people have “violent tendencies” and whites are justifiably afraid.
As Trump prepared to close out the convention on Thursday, his remarks have been vetted via software that ferrets out plagiarism, seeking to avoid the kinds of problems that followed wife Melania Trump's speech on Monday.
Cellphone footage has surfaced of the moments leading up to the police shooting and arrest of an unarmed caretaker in Miami as he lay on the ground with his hands in the air.
Several shots have been fired at police officers in Brooklyn from a car that fled the scene of the shooting during which no one was hurt. An active search for the four suspects is underway.
A crane collapsed across the Tappan Zee Bridge on Tuesday, injuring at least two people and halting traffic in both directions, authorities said.
A JUDGE has cleared the highest-ranking police officer in the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who was critically injured in a police transport van.
Three police officers were fatally shot in Baton Rouge and three others were wounded, according to officials, in what one witness described as a fusillade of dozens of shots shattering the calm of a Sunday morning.
In a written statement earlier in the day, Obama called the incident a "cowardly and reprehensible assault."
Two teenagers playing Pokemon Go late at night in their car in Florida were shot at by a householder who mistook them for burglars, police say.
One witness says men were shooting at each other in a parking lot and “it turned into a gun battle” when police showed up.
Three police officers have been shot dead in Baton Rouge, La., and four others were wounded, authorities said Sunday.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has suggested testing all US Muslims to see if they believe in Sharia law, and deporting those who do.
A candidate renowned for doubling down has hedged his biggest bet.
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott gave a speech about race relations and law enforcement on the Senate Floor Wednesday afternoon.
'Her mind is shot,' presumptive Republican nominee says in calling for Supreme Court judge to resign
We see all this and it's hard not to think the center won't hold and things won't get worse
President Barack Obama has paid tribute to the five police officers who were shot and killed during a deadly sniper attack in Dallas.
"The suspect has been shot and killed," he added. He said the death of his friends was "terrible."