Jean-Marc Ayrault criticises appointment of Johnson as UK foreign secretary in interview with French radio
Jean-Marc Ayrault criticises appointment of Johnson as UK foreign secretary in interview with French radio
A TONGUE-in-cheek video of a man walking down the street waving his British passport has received nearly 10,000 shares online amid a surge in reports of racist attacks.
President Martin Schulz says speeding up of UK exit being considered after ‘continent taken hostage because of Tory party fight’
The UK's EU referendum is proving too close to call, with Leave getting more votes than expected in early results but Remain starting to gain ground.
The EU referendum took centre stage at Wembley Arena as the two sides traded blows before an audience of 6,000 people.
In Der Spiegel interview German finance minister rules out Britain’s chances of enjoying bloc benefits f-rom outside EU
Pound falls as latest polls show British public becoming more sympathetic to idea of Brexit