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United States

Kavanaugh hearing: #BelieveWomen v #BackBrett

Source: BBC News:
September 27, 2018 at 14:15
Ford supporters in Washington / GETTY IMAGES / Ford supporters in Washington
Ford supporters in Washington / GETTY IMAGES / Ford supporters in Washington
As the female professor who has accused US Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault gives her testimony, women across the US have been reacting on social media.

Many who support Christine Blasey Ford, speaking publicly for the first time, drew attention to what they see as a historic moment for women's rights.

But those who back Mr Kavanaugh wrote that Ms Ford was acting throughout her testimony, and suggested her accusation was part of a Democratic plot to derail the judge's confirmation to the Senate.

Law students tweeted pictures of empty classrooms as they gathering around television screens, while #KavanaughHearings trended globally.

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