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Man charged with pre-teen’s sex assault after father caught him in daughter’s bedroom

Source: News Corp Australia Network:
February 24, 2019 at 18:34
A father is being hailed a hero after collaring a man accused of breaking into his family’s home and repeatedly sexually assaulting his daughter.

A man has been accused of raping a pre-teen girl after her father allegedly caught him in her bedroom.

Daniel Altieri, 29, has been charged with a string of offences after he allegedly broke into the girl’s home in South Perth’s on Saturday morning and repeatedly sexually assaulted the girl.

The father woke to the girl’s screams and ran into her room to allegedly find Mr Altieri standing over her, according to a report published in the Daily Mail.

Police have praised him for restraining Mr Altieri until officers arrived.

“Police haven’t revealed the age of the girl or the suburb where the assault allegedly took place to protect the victim’s identity,” a police spokesperson said.

The girl was rushed to hospital but has since returned home and is now under the care of her family.

The distressing incident was condemned by South Australian Police Acting Assistant Commissioner Alan Morton.

“As a senior police officer, as a member of the community and as the father of a young child myself, my thoughts are with the victim and the family,’ Mr Morton told Perth Now.

Daniel Altieri, 29, has been charged with sexually assaulting a girl under the age of 13 in her home.
Daniel Altieri, 29, has been charged with sexually assaulting a girl under the age of 13 in her home.Source:Supplied

Mr Altieri has been charged with two counts of aggravated sexual penetration of a child under 13, attempted sexual penetration of a child under 13, three counts of aggravated indecent dealing of a child under 13, aggravated burglary and threatening to kill.

He was refused bail when he appeared in Perth Magistrates Court on Sunday and will appear again on March 18.
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