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The most shocking details from Gretchen Carlson's lawsuit against FOX News CEO Roger Ailes

Source: Aol
July 7, 2016 at 09:04
Longtime FOX News host Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit on Wednesday alleging that she was fired from the network after rebuffing the sexual advances of CEO Roger Ailes.

The former "FOX & Friends" anchor claims she was fired on June 23 after more than a decade with the network as retaliation for rejecting Ailes.

SEE MORE: Ex-FOX News star lobs sexual harassment suit at network boss

Carlson has opened up before about sexual harassment in the workplace. In her book 'Getting Real,' she claimed a top TV executive once "threw himself on top of me and stuck his tongue down my throat."

You can read Carlson's entire complaint against Ailes at this link -- here are some of the more shocking details:

  • Carlson claims, during a meeting to discuss previous discriminatory treatment towards her, Ailes said "I think you and I should have had a sexual relationship a long time ago" and that "sometimes problems are easier to solve" that way.
  • During that meeting, the lawsuit claims he "made it clear to Carlson that he had the power to make anything happen for her if she listened to him and 'understood' what he was saying."
  • Ailes also allegedly commented "repeatedly about Carlson's legs" and asked her "to turn around so he could view her posterior."
  • The lawsuit also reveals that Carlson complained about former co-host Steve Doocy, who she says created a "hostile work environment by regularly treating her in a sexist and condescending way, including putting his hand on her and pulling down her arm to shush her during a live telecast."
  • When Ailes learned of Carlson's complaints he allegedly labeled her a "man hater" who needed to learn to "get along with the boys."
  • As punishment for her complaints, the lawsuit claims Ailes fired her from 'FOX & Friends,' reduced her compensation and refused to provide her with network support.

Ailes has been accused of improper conduct with employees before. According to The New York Times, while at NBC in the 1980s Ailes offered an employee an additional $100 each week "if you agree to have sex with me whenever I want."

FOX News Chairman & CEO Roger Ailes issued the following statement to

Gretchen Carlson's allegations are false. This is a retaliatory suit for the network's decision not to renew her contract, which was due to the fact that her disappointingly low ratings were dragging down the afternoon lineup. When FOX News did not commence any negotiations to renew her contract, Ms. Carlson became aware that her career with the network was likely over and conveniently began to pursue a lawsuit. Ironically, FOX News provided her with more on-air opportunities over her 11 year tenure than any other employer in the industry, for which she thanked me in her recent book. This defamatory lawsuit is not only offensive, it is wholly without merit and will be defended vigorously.

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