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U.S Election

The 5 people most likely to be Donald Trump’s vice president

Author: Washington Post
April 29, 2016 at 16:09
Donald Trump's victories in a series of Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states over the past two weeks have made one thing clear:
Donald Trump's victories in a series of Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states over the past two weeks have made one thing clear: He is the clear favorite for the Republican presidential nomination. Which begs the question: Who is he going to pick as his vice presidential nominee? The short answer: No one knows. Trump relishes being unpredictable so trying to game out how this most unconventional of politicians will make his mind up is a bit of a guessing game. Add to that the fact that Trump's inner circle remains, largely, devoid of establishment types and you quickly get into a situation whe-re the people talking don't know much and the people who do know aren't talking. Trump himself has been ...
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