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Donald Trump

Caitlyn Jenner withdraws Donald Trump support over his transgender views

Source: News Corp Australia Network:
October 26, 2018 at 19:45
Caitlyn Jenner says she can no longer support Donald Trump. Picture: ReutersSource:Reuters
Caitlyn Jenner says she can no longer support Donald Trump. Picture: ReutersSource:Reuters
REPUBLICAN Caitlyn Jenner, who has been a high-profile supporter of Donald Trump, has written a blistering op-ed, saying she can no longer back the president, who she calls “insulting”.

CAITLYN Jenner no longer supports US President Donald Trump.

In an op-ed forThe Washington Post, Jenner expressed her regret at having mistakenly believed that the Trump administration supported the transgender community.

“Believing that I could work with Trump and his administration to support our community was a mistake,” she wrote, the New York Post reports, citing the recent memo that suggests an infant’s sex at birth should be permanently linked to their gender identity, as well as the rollback of Obama-era protections designed to help trans students.

“He has ignored our humanity. He has insulted our dignity. He has made trans people into political pawns as he whips up animus against us in an attempt to energise the most right-wing segment of his party,” she wrote.

Jenner took a moment to explain her thought process behind her original choice to back Trump during his campaign, saying she saw “fertile ground” to change minds within the Republican party.

Republican Caitlyn Jenner meets with Hillary Clinton during the election campaign. Picture: Instagram
Republican Caitlyn Jenner meets with Hillary Clinton during the election campaign. Picture: InstagramSource:Supplied

“Trump was the first Republican presidential candidate to claim to support this valuable, vulnerable community, and I was encouraged by the applause he received when he said at the Republican National Convention in July 2016 that he would stand up for the LGBTQ community,” she said.

But those have proven to be empty promises, Jenner said. “Sadly, I was wrong. The reality is that the trans community is being relentlessly attacked by this president.”

“This is politics at its worst. It is unacceptable, it is upsetting, and it has deeply, personally hurt me.”

Caitlyn Jenner with her family. Picture: Instagram
Caitlyn Jenner with her family. Picture: InstagramSource:Supplied

Jenner closed the piece by expressing her determination to affect change.

“I will still work with anyone who is committed to help our community,” she said, recognising that her “unique position of privilege” gives her the ability to do just that.

This article originally appeared in the New York Post and is republished here with permission

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