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Donald Trump

Sean Spicer: 'I let the president down'

Source: The Hill
April 12, 2017 at 10:59
While Hitler is believed not to have used chemical weapons on the battlefield, the Nazis used cyanide-based Zyklon B and other types of poison to kill Jews in gas chambers at concentration camps.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Wednesday said he let President Trump down by saying Nazi leader Adolf Hitler did not use chemical weapons during World War II. 

Spicer said his remark, which he said was meant to shame Syrian President Bashar Assad for a deadly gas attack, distracted from Trump’s decision to respond with a cruise missile strike and his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. 

“Your job as a spokesperson is to help amplify the president’s actions and accomplishments,” a subdued Spicer told interviewer Greta Van Susteren at a Newseum event examining the press in Trump's first 100 days in office. 

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