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U.S Election

Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of ‘sleeping’ as #WheresHillary goes viral

August 22, 2016 at 08:28
DEMOCRATIC presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been lampooned on social media as “missing in action”, with the hashtag #WheresHillary trending number one globally.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who visited flood-ravaged Louisiana on Friday to deliver supplies and meet with locals, gave the hashtag a boost over the weekend.

“#WheresHillary? Sleeping!!!!!” he tweeted to his 11.1 million followers.

Trump has repeatedly argued Clinton does not have the “stamina” to be president, and Republican critics have attempted to cast doubt on her health — claims her campaign have described as “right-wing conspiracy theories”.
Neither Clinton nor president Barack Obama have visited Louisiana since historic rains caused flooding that killed 13, destroyed 40,000 homes and displaced more than 100,000 residents.

But on Friday evening, the White House announced Obama would visit Baton Rouge on Tuesday, while Clinton said visiting the state amid the ongoing relief effort would be a “distraction”, Fox News reported.

The hashtag was initially started to highlight the number of days it has been — now more than 260 — since Clinton held a press conference. Critics accuse the Clinton campaign of hiding the candidate from unscripted questions.
The Washington Post described the Clinton’s unwillingness to front the media as “ridiculous”, but said constant gaffes from Trump dominating the headlines meant “there’s not enough room for Clinton’s unwillingness to face unscripted, unmoderated questions from reporters covering her to get much attention”.

The paper pointed out that Clinton’s last press conference on December 5, 2015 was before a single state had cast a vote, three major terrorist attacks in Nice, Brussels and Orlando, the FBI’s scathing report into her email practices, and the fallout from the Democratic National Convention email leaks.

It comes after the New York Post described Clinton as a “bystander” in her own presidential race, on track to become the “winner-by-default president”.

“Nothing she says matters,” the paper wrote. “These days she might as well be reading Twilight fan fiction at her rallies. She is the first major presidential candidate since James Monroe ran unopposed in 1820 who could spend October of election year in Fiji if she wanted to.”

Clinton’s campaign is in the midst of a fundraising blitz, with 43 events planned in 14 states over the next two weeks, The Associated Press reports.

She was spending the weekend greeting donors on Massachusetts’ Cape Cod before heading to California for a series of events at the homes of Hollywood celebrities and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. Later this month, she will head to the Hamptons on New York’s Long Island for another fundraising swing.

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