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Nice terror attack: U2 singer Bono evacuated from restaurant during Bastille Day rampage

Source: News Corp Australia Network:
July 17, 2016 at 13:23
ROCK star Bono was caught up in the Bastille Day massacre and had to be evacuated with his “hands over his head” from a Nice restaurant by anti-terror police.

The U2 lead singer, 56, was on the terrace of La Petite Maison (The Small House), next to the seafront in the French city when mass murderer Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel struckThe Sun reports.

After Bouhlel drove a hired lorry into crowds enjoying a holiday firework display, killing 84 people, including 10 children, Bono and other diners were gripped by fear.

“Suddenly I saw people running, without shouting,” said Anne-Laure Rubi, the owner of the up-market restaurant, which is popular with a number of celebrities. “It was a silent panic — it was extraordinary.”

People gather at a makeshift memorial placed on the road for victims of the deadly Bastille Day attack in Nice. Picture: AFP/Anne-Christine Poujoulat
People gather at a makeshift memorial placed on the road for victims of the deadly Bastille Day attack in Nice. Picture: AFP/Anne-Christine PoujoulatSource:AFP

Ms Rubi told La Parisienne magazine that “by reflex” she grabbed the arm of Christian Estrosi, the former Nice Mayor, who was sitting close to Bono.

“What’s going on?” she said. “He was on the phone. He didn’t want to say much. I think he was just learning about the attack”.

Ms Rubi’s staff pulled down the shutters, and instructed everybody to hide and remain calm, until the all clear was given.

Bono owns a home in the nearby town of Eze, and had been relaxing with friends when the atrocity started at around 10.30pm last Thursday. Read More (...)

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