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Truck plows into Bastille Day crowd in Nice, France, killling at least 30

July 14, 2016 at 18:38
Truck rammed into crowd on Promenade des Anglais seaside walk in centre of town

Dozens of people were killed in the French Riviera city of Nice late on Thursday when a truck plowed into crowds watching a fireworks display on France's Bastille Day national holiday, the mayor said on Twitter.​

French TV channel BFM TV said at least 30 people were killed as a crowd was celebrating.

The truck rammed into the crowd on the Promenade des Anglais seaside walk in the centre of town, regional newspaper Nice Matin reported, citing its own reporter at the scene.

The paper published a photograph of a damaged, long-distance delivery truck, which it said was "riddled with bullets" and images of emergency services treating the injured. 

Damien Allemand, the paper's correspondent, was quoted as saying: "People are running. It's panic. He rode up onto the Prom and piled into the crowd.… There are people covered in blood. There must be many injured."

French television channel BFM TV says the local prefecture in Nice was treating the incident as an attack and was asking people to stay at home. (Eric Gaillard/Reuters)
French television channel BFM TV says the local prefecture in Nice was treating the incident as an attack and was asking people to stay at home. (Eric Gaillard/Reuters)

An eyewitness said there were "bodies everywhere."

French television channel BFM TV said the local prefecture in Nice was treating the incident as an attack and was asking people to stay at home.

"A truck rammed into the crowd over a long distance, which explains this extremely heavy toll," Sebastien Humbert, the prefect for the Alpes-Maritime area said on BFM TV. 

Humbert said the truck driver had been shot dead and that he was treating the incident, which he said left 100 injured, as an attack for the moment.

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