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Theresa May Has Invoked Article 50 And Warned The EU That Security Cooperation Is At Stake

March 29, 2017 at 11:55
In her letter to the EU Council president, the PM stressed shared values but repeatedly linked security to the successful conclusion of a trade deal within two years.


Downing Street said the prime minister would use her statement to pledge to "represent every person in the whole United Kingdom – young and old, rich and poor, city, town, country, and all the villages and hamlets in between".

Number 10 confirmed this would include EU nationals who already live in the UK, despite the government fighting hard against efforts by opposition politicians to include a specific commitment to protect their rights.

The UK is now facing a hard deadline to come to an agreement within two years, with Britain set to leave the organisation by 29 March 2019 unless both sides agree to extend talks.

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