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Tiny African kingdom of Swaziland changes its name to eSwatini
Some Swiss have responded with relief as the countries often are confused on online forms.
South Africa bids farewell to anti-apartheid icon Winnie Mandela
Tens of thousands of people sang, cheered and cried as the flag-draped casket of anti-apartheid activist Winnie Madikizela-Mandela was escorted from her official funeral on Saturday, after supporters defended her complex legacy with poetry and anger.
Shanty town life: ‘They will beat their mothers with a brick’
SOUTH Africa’s townships can be dangerous places to visit but it can be even worse for those who live in them. We went inside the slums to find out why outsiders are ‘too scared’ to go near.
Cameroon's isolated Anglophones face humanitarian crisis
Cameroonians swept up in a conflict between anglophone separatists and the government are facing a humanitarian crisis, aid groups say as they struggle to reach people in remote areas that have become virtually off-limits.