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Rafael Nadal: Publish My Drug Tests To Prove I’m Clean

Author: Newsweek
April 27, 2016 at 18:44
Nadal wants his drug test results and blood-profile records public.

Rafael Nadal has asked the International Tennis Federation to put an end to claims he has been doping by publishing his drug test results and blood-profile records.

The Spaniard, who has won 14 grand slam titles, filed a lawsuit against former French government minister Roselyne Bachelot after being accused of doping.


“It can’t be free anymore in our tennis world to speak and to accuse without evidence,” Nadal said in a letter obtained by the Associated Press.

“I know how many times I am tested. Please make all my information public.”

Bachelot had claimed that a seven-month absence of Nadal f-rom the sport back in 2012 was “certainly due to a positive doping test.”

She served as Minister for Health and Sport in Nicolas Sarkozy's government.

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