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News reports hint at emerging Clinton VP short list

June 21, 2016 at 16:04
It's that time of the campaign cycle, and now that Hillary Clinton has established herself as the presumptive Democratic nominee, attention is turning to who will join her on the ticket.


It's that time of the campaign cycle, and now that Hillary Clinton has established herself as the presumptive Democratic nominee, attention is turning to who will join her on the ticket.

Two news reports this week suggested many of the names that have been floated in recent months as potential vice presidential contenders are being considered by Clinton. The Associated Press, citing unnamed Democratic sources, said her emerging short list includes Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has yet to concede the Democratic race to Clinton, is not on the list, AP and CNN report.

CNN, also citing unnamed Democrats, reported as well that Kaine, Warren and Castro are under consideration, but noted that they are not yet "absolute finalists" but only "active contenders." Labor Secretary Tom Perez, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown and California Rep. Xavier Beccera could also be among those being considered, according to CNN.

CNN reported that the candidate had yet to conduct interviews, though she "has devoted hours studying the records and backgrounds" of prospective running mates.

Hillary Clinton and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro appear at a campaign event on Oct. 15, 2015, in San Antonio. (Photo: Eric Gay, AP)

Warren, a favorite of the left, has been the subject of considerable speculation in recent days following her aggressive critiques of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and her recent endorsement of Clinton.

In a recent interview with USA TODAY, Clinton said she was in the "beginning" stage of the vice presidential selection process.

“We've got a great group of Democrats that are progressive and who agree with me about the direction of the country,” she said of the potential field of candidates.

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