President’s decision to have US intelligence agencies look over evidence comes after unrelenting pressure from Democratic lawmakers to declassify information
Russia–United States relations is the bilateral relationship between the United States and the Russian Federation, the successor state to the Soviet Union. Russia and the United States maintain diplomatic and trade relations.
President’s decision to have US intelligence agencies look over evidence comes after unrelenting pressure from Democratic lawmakers to declassify information
The prospect of such deployments is real.
Donald Trump’s business success means that he’s is a smart man who will quickly adapt to his new role as president, Russian Vladimir Putin said.
Russian president says US warnings show Washington is using cyber-attacks as a political tool after Joe Biden says ‘we are sending a message’ to Putin
The Obama administration is dragging Russia into the US presidential election to manipulate American voters for the benefit of Hillary Clinton, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, adding that email revelations have nothing to do with Russia's interests.
Without a doubt, relations between Russia and the West have reached their lowest point since the height of the Cold War.
Russia’s Defense Ministry has cautioned the US-led coalition of carrying out airstrikes on Syrian army positions, adding in Syria there are numerous S-300 and S-400 air defense systems up and running.
Russia has suspended an agreement with the US on the disposal of surplus weapons-grade plutonium, the latest sign of worsening bilateral relations.
The military added that the US failed to deliver on its promise to separate truce-observing moderates and truce-violating terrorists and is now “apparently trying to use a smoke-screen to cover up the violations of their part of the deal.”
The SU-27 fighter jets that intercepted the US aircraft were acting “in strict accordance with international flight rules,” the statement reads.
Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin plan to huddle on the sidelines of the summit, the White House said.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has blasted a reporter over her question on allegations that Russia was behind the DNC email leaks. Lavrov had a concise reply, stating: "I don't want to use four-letter words."
Russia will take adequate measures to counter NATO's increasingly “aggressive rhetoric," President Vladimir Putin told MPs at the closing session of the State Duma. He called to create an international security system open to all countries.
Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO secretary-general, said alliance defense ministers will formally approve the deployment plan drafted by NATO military planners at a meeting that begins Tuesday in Brussels.
Russian officials are increasingly unhappy over the increase in NATO activity in the region, particularly in former Soviet republics like Estonia, and former Warsaw Pact countries like Poland.
RUSSIA could steamroll NATO forces in just 60 hours, a leading US defence official has warned amid rising tensions with the west.
NATO members and partners on Monday launched their biggest ever joint exercise in Poland at a time when central and eastern European nations are seeking strong security guarantees amid concerns about Russia.
NATO is laying the groundwork in Eastern Europe for a “global strike” against Russia, the deputy head of the Defense Council in Russia’s upper house of parliament has declared
Moscow solidified its hold on Crimea in April, outlawing the Tatar legislature that had opposed Russia’s annexation of the region since 2014.
Germany is pushing NATO to holding a meeting with Russia ahead of the upcoming summit of the alliance in Warsaw. It comes as NATO continues to ignore Russia’s concerns over its expansion and military build-up in Europe