MELANIA Trump is being mocked mercilessly by her husband’s critics after a polarising campaign appearance this morning.
MELANIA Trump is being mocked mercilessly by her husband’s critics after a polarising campaign appearance this morning.
She told CNN that Donald Trump was having ‘boy talk’ and was ‘lead on’ by Bush in hot-mic tape of him bragging about using fame for sexual advances
ET host Nancy O'Dell, a target in the video of Trump and Billy Bush has remained silent.
Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari has blamed an "overzealous" staff member for plagiarising parts of a speech by Barack Obama.
Melania issued a lawyer's letter on her Twitter account
Melania Trump is suing a British newspaper and a US blogger for $150m (£114m) over allegations she was a sex worker in the 1990s, her lawyer says.
A TRUMP staffer offered her resignation over the Melania Trump plagiarism incident, but her offer was rejected.
2 passages in Trump's speech match Obama's almost word-for-word
Multiple lines about necessity of hard work and strong family values, nearly verbatim from the first lady’s 2008 address.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews is in hot water for ogling Melania Trump during Tuesday night’s victory rally in New York City.