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Politician resigns after being duped by Cohen

Source: News Corp Australia Network:
July 25, 2018 at 08:47
THIS REPUBLICAN quit his job after using racial slurs and dropping his trousers in the most controversial episode yet of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Who Is America?

SACHA Baron Cohen’s controversial new show has claimed its first causality, with a US politician resigning after appearing in episode two of “Who Is America?”

A Republican state representative in Georgia, Jason Spencer used racial slurs and dropped his trousers while taking part in fake anti-terrorism exercises and an instructional video.

Cohen, disguised as Israeli anti terrorism expert Erran Morad, instructed Spencer in a series of “self-defence” methods which resulted in the politician screaming the N-word and mocking Chinese people.

Spencer was duped by Cohen into performing a series of farcical “self-defence” exercises. Picture: Supplied
Spencer was duped by Cohen into performing a series of farcical “self-defence” exercises. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

In one instance, Cohen explained to Spencer that, if he was ever kidnapped, he should yell “the N-word”. Spencer immediately screamed it repeatedly.

“Are you crazy? The ‘N-word’ is noony, not this word, this word is disgusting,” an in-character Cohen replied with disgust.

Spencer also bared his buttocks in an apparent attempt to ward off would-be terrorists while screaming: “I’ll make you a homosexual!”

The politician, who previously threatened to take legal action if the episode aired, announced he would resign on July 31 after pressure from other politicians, THR reported.

Spencer dropped his pants in an apparently proven method of scaring off terrorists. Picture: Supplied
Spencer dropped his pants in an apparently proven method of scaring off terrorists. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

MORE: Sacha Baron Cohen tricked Corinne Olympios into an ‘uncomfortable’ interview

Spencer told The Washington Post he regretted his participation, describing it as a “ridiculously ugly episode”.

Spencer joins a long list of politicians, including Sarah Palin and Bernie Sanders, who have been tricked by Cohen’s controversial new Showtime series.

In last week’s episode, the comedian managed to dupe prominent pro-gun advocates into spruiking a “Kinder-Guardians” program.

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