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ICE supervisors sometimes skip required review of detention warrants, emails show

Source: CNN:::
March 13, 2019 at 08:38
ICE supervisors sometimes skip required review of detention warrants, emails show
Legally, the signature on a warrant attests that an authorized supervisor reviewed it and determined that there was probable cause to believe the person named was deportable.

(CNN) - Brent Oxley, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer in Little Rock, Arkansas, was happy in his work, which he says "gave me the feeling that I was helping protect my country." A big part of his job: Look through rosters from local jails for people who might be deportable, ask for them to be held for ICE to pick up, then go get them. 

But last May, ICE fired Oxley, for a variety of charges that included forging his supervisor's signature on arrest warrants for undocumented immigrants. Federal immigration law requires each warrant to be signed by an authorized supervisor. By signing them himself, an ICE administrator wrote to Oxley, he had exposed ICE to the possibility of "numerous unlawful detention lawsuits" over illegal arrests, had they not reissued the warrants. 

Oxley challenged his termination, convinced he had not been alone in skipping the warrant-review process, which could be inconvenient when supervisors weren't in the office and the 48-hour time limit to release people was nearing its end. And he turned up evidence he was right. 

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