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Johnny Depp

Amber Heard claims Johnny Depp ‘threatened to kill me’ during trial

Source: News Corp Australia Network:
July 20, 2020 at 15:31
Amber Heard claims Johnny Depp ‘threatened to kill me’ during trial
Amber Heard has claimed Johnny Depp threatened to “kill her many times” during explosive drug-fuelled rows as she tood the stand in court.

Amber Heard sensationally claimed today Johnny Depp threatened to “kill her many times” during explosive drug-fuelled rows.

The Aquaman star, 34, has taken to the stand as she lifts the lid on her turbulent marriage – claiming Depp attacked her 14 times over three years.

In her witness statement given to the High Court, Heard told how Depp would threaten to “carve” her face up if she ever left him or hurt him and said he ”controlled” her life.

She said: “He explicitly threatened to kill me many times. He would blame all his actions on a self-created third person, which he often called The Monster.

“He talked about our relationship being ‘dead or alive’ and told me that death was the only way out of the relationship.

“He described what he wanted to do to me if I left him or hurt him, for example, carving my face up so no one else would want me.

“He also said what he would do to others he didn’t like or was threatened by, detailing how he wanted to have someone tortured or how cheap and easy it would be to have someone knocked off.“


Johnny Depp. Picture: Peter Summers/Getty Images.
Johnny Depp.
Picture: Peter Summers/Getty Images.Source:Getty Images
Amber Heard. Picture: Peter Summers/Getty Images.
Amber Heard.
Picture: Peter Summers/Getty Images.Source:Getty Images


Heard has come face-to-face with Depp at the trial, where she is expected to spend three days in the witness box giving evidence.

Heard told the High Court how her weight plummeted while she was with Depp – claiming she was left “scared all the time”.

The star added: “Over the years, Johnny threatened me a lot about me leaving him.

“He would talk about what he would do to me if I left him, such as, ‘I will cut up your face so no one will want you ever again’ and about how he knew people who could ‘break a leg, real cheap’.”

Heard also claimed Depp made “all kinds of demeaning and derogatory comments” about actresses and branded them as being like ”two-bit w****s”.

A photo showing Amber Heard with a reddened face was released by a London court. Picture: Supplied
A photo showing Amber Heard with a reddened
face was released by a London court.
Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied


And the star also claimed Depp would “demean” her if she wore anything seen as sexy – calling her a ”w***e, s**t and fame hungry”.

Heard added: “He started saying things like, ‘Well I’m going to have to watch you get raped’ and ‘I hope you get railed by a bunch of f***ing fellas‘.”

Wearing a cream blouse and dark skirt, the star told the court how a furious row erupted in a Tokyo hotel room in January 2015 – a month before they wed – over a pre-nup.

Heard claimed the argument resulted in “Johnny kneeling on my back and hitting me on the back of the head”.

Depp also allegedly told her when referring to their relationship: “The only way out of this is death”.

The couple did not enter into a pre-nup before they wed and Heard donated her $9.92 million divorce settlement to charity.

The couple married in 2015. Picture: Jason Merritt/Getty Images for Art of Elysium.
The couple married in 2015. Picture: Jason Merritt/Getty Images for Art of Elysium.Source:Supplied


She refuted previous claims made by Depp and his pals she was a “gold-digger” as she dabbed her nose with a tissue from the witness box.

Heard added: “What Johnny says about my so-called ‘agenda’ in marrying him, for financial benefit or to somehow further my career, is preposterous.

“I remained financially independent from him the whole time we were together and the entire amount of my divorce settlement was donated to charity.

“In fact, my desire to remain financially independent was one of the main sources of conflict during our relationship.”

The star beamed and waved at the crowds as she arrived at the High Court in London on Monday.

The actress, who wore a white blouse and black skirt, is expected to spend three days in the witness box as she goes face-to-face with Depp, 57.

Depp also smiled as he was mobbed by fans when he arrived at court in a dark suit.

Heard has accused Depp of hitting her for the first time in early 2013 when he turned into a “monster” and claims he subjected her to a ”three-day hostage rampage” in Australia in 2015.

She also claims the Pirates of the Caribbean star chucked a magnum of champagne at her and grabbed her hair when she showed up late to her 30th birthday bash in a drug-fuelled rage.

He is suing The Sun for referring to him as a “wife-beater” in a 2018 article. The Sun, supported by Ms Heard, says the term was justified.

The couple met on the set of The Rum Di Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Art of Elysium)
The couple met on the set of The Rum Di Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Art of Elysium)
Source:Getty Images


Depp gave evidence for five days at the start of the three-week trial.

Shocking details of the couple‘s tumultuous marriage were played out to the court as he took to the stand – including claims she or a pal pooed in their marital bed after the birthday row.

A glimpse into Depp‘s wild Hollywood lifestyle was also revealed – including him admitting he drunk a pint of wine for breakfast and started taking drugs aged just 11.

Depp is accused of turning his “rage and frustration” on Heard when he ”failed to control” his drug and alcohol abuse.

The actor “descended into physically destructive behaviour” – causing him to refer to his ”drunken and violent persona as ‘the monster’”, it was said.

But in a series of explosive revelations, Depp has branded Heard‘s abuse allegations “complete lies”.

And he called his ex-wife “calculating, sociopathic and emotionally dishonest” as he accused her of “building a dossier” of false allegations as an ”insurance policy”.

Depp also accused Heard of pooing in their marital bed after a birthday bust up, which he says was the catalyst for their bitter divorce.

The star also claims Heard severed his finger during a trip to Australia in 2015 by throwing a vodka bottle at him and accused her of repeatedly punching him in the face.

He has brought separate libel proceedings against Heard in the US.

The couple married in LA in 2015 after meeting on the set of comedy The Rum Diary.

But they divorced two years later after Heard, who donated her $9.92 million settlement to charity, accused Depp of abuse.

The case continues.

This story first appeared in The Sun and has been republished with permission

The Sun is owned by News Corporation, publisher of

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