Mental Health

The Power-Building Workout

Author: Amanda Loudin Source: N.Y Times
January 22, 2024 at 15:23
Gritchelle Fallesgon for The New York Times
Gritchelle Fallesgon for The New York Times
Power is essential for aging well. Here’s how to increase yours.

Over the past several years, experts have increasingly recognized the importance of building power — using muscles in explosive bursts — for healthy aging. Power helps you heave a bag of mulch into the trunk and allows your arms or legs to stop or catch yourself when you slip. While strength helps you sit down in a chair, power brings you out of it.

For people over 65, one of the easiest tools to measure how much power you have, especially in your legs, is the sit-to-stand test. (Take the sit-to-stand test in 30 seconds.)

If your score suggests a lack of power, you should begin with these three simple moves, suggested Ali Hartman, a doctor of physical therapy based in North Carolina. As with strength, building power means consistently and progressively training your whole body, especially your legs and core. Aim for two to three sets of eight to 10 reps, several times a week.

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By Amanda Loudin

After years of three to four weekly sessions of power training, the author has become especially fond of snatches.
Amanda Loudin is a freelance writer covering health and scien

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