Internet Buzz

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Transcript of call between President Trump and Prime Minister Turnbull leaked

THE entire transcript of the first conversation between President Trump and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been leaked online, showing the real story behind the notorious “dumb deal” phone call.

Latest Internet Buzz

People go crazy over 22-year-old Kit Kat

A SHOP owner who found a 22-year-old KitKat bar discovered it has less sugar than today’s version — despite being bigger.

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Saudi police question miniskirt video woman

Saudi police have questioned a young woman who appeared in a video wearing a miniskirt and crop-top in public.

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Beyonce shares first photo of twins on Instagram

The photo is similar in style to her original pregnancy announcement, featuring the same floral arch in the background.

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Paris Jackson laughs off rumours she’s dating a 38-year-old actor after they’re caught holding hands

PARIS Jackson has been forced to respond to rumors she’s dating an actor twice her age after they were photographed holding hands.

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Obama charms seemingly stoked Alaskan baby

While in a waiting area for private flights at Anchorage International Airport on Monday

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Melania Trump ‘trapped in residence’ due to G20 protests

US FIRST Lady Melania Trump is trapped in her Hamburg accommodation due to G20 protests outside.

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Donald Trump gets confused looking for his presidential limousine

It's not the first time Trump has had a gaffe while disembarking Air Force One

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People can’t work out if this model is a real person or a Barbie doll

MOST girls play with their dolls and dream of having equally luscious long hair and an equally bright pink convertible.

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Rehan Munir flooded with offers of accommodation after posting advert online

WHO said it’s hard to find an apartment in New York City?*

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Could long-distance bullies in Australia face up to 20 years in jail for encouraging suicide?

MICHELLE Carter has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for sending a string of text messages. Could it happen in Australia?

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Popular fitness blogger dies after whipped cream dispenser explodes at home

Whipped cream dispensers use nitrous oxide canisters

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Marco Rubio laughs off picture of ‘failed’ Ivanka hug

The Associated Press stands by its photo.

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Steve Bannon says Sean Spicer avoiding TV because he ‘got fatter’

WHITE House chief strategist Steve Bannon knows why spokesman Sean Spicer is holding off-camera press briefings — “Sean got fatter.”

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Wendy’s sign-war smackdown is getting savage

A fast food restaurant. A tea company. A beef hotter than a fresh Baconator.

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China shocked by pedestrian death video

A SPEEDING taxi knocks the pedestrian off her feet, sending her hurtling through the air. Dozens of people stand gawking or walk past, before another drives over her body.

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