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Donald Trump

Donald Trump will ‘get himself out of office soon’ Senator Dianne Feinstein says

Source: News Corp Australia Network:
March 22, 2017 at 09:51
ONE of the most senior members of the US Senate has issued a stunning prediction — that Donald Trump will soon resign from the presidency.

Californian senator and Trump opponent Dianne Feinstein also hinted she knows more than she can say “right now” but believed he’s going to “get himself out of office soon”.

Ms Feinstein, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, hinted the President would quit before he’s forced from office.

The stunning revelation, video of which was posted on social media by LA Timespolitical reporter Javier Panzar, was made before a group of anti-Trump protesters last Friday in Los Angeles.

During the impromptu Q&A, the activists were questioning why more wasn’t being done to remove the President from office.

In the video, one activist can be heard saying Mr Trump had “obvious dealings with Russia” and was doing things “that are unconstitutional” before asking why more wasn’t being done to remove him from office.

“We have a lot of people looking into this,” the Democrat replied. “I think he’s going to get himself out.”

While mentioning conflicts of interests regarding his business empire, Ms Feinstein stopped short of saying whether he has done anything that warrants his impeachment.

Her startling claims came ahead of the public inquiry into the Trump administration’s possible links to Russian meddling in the US election, which took place on Monday.

It also comes as FBI Director James Comey confirmed the agency is investigating Russian interference in the US election and potential links with members of the Trump campaign.

Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein said she believed Mr Trump “would get himself out of office soon”. Picture: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP
Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein said she believed Mr Trump “would get himself out of office soon”. Picture: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFPSource:AFP

Both the Senate and House intelligence committees are currently investigating Russia’s hacking of Democratic groups and possible contacts between Trump associates and Russia.

Brendan Thomas-Noone, a research fellow at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, told yesterday the investigation so far hadn’t revealed any grounds for impeachment.

But Mr Noone said the scandal was only starting to gather steam and the investigations could go on for years, potentially leading to other consequences.

“If evidence is found that shows there was active collusion between the campaign and a foreign power, it could lead to criminal charges,” he said.

As the public inquiry into the Trump campaign’s possible links to Russian meddling got underway, some were speculating it was the worst day of Mr Trump’s presidency.

CNN’s political analyst Gloria Borger concluded within hours of the House Intelligence hearings beginning that it was “the worst and most perilous day in Trump’s Presidency”.

American cable news and talk radio host Joe Scarborough also called it the worst day of Mr Trump’s presidency.

In another blow, the FBI discredited Mr Trump’s allegation that former president Barack Obama wiretapped his phone.


Meanwhile, a Ukrainian MP has sensationally claimed that the party of ousted president Viktor Yanukovych secretly paid former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort $750,000 via an offshore shell company.

Sergiy Leshchenko said Yanukovych’s party recorded the secret payment to Mr Manafort in 2009 for “political consulting”.

Mr Manafort’s spokesman told The New York Times that the claims were “baseless” and should be “summarily dismissed”.

Mr Manafort helped Mr Trump secure the Republican nomination but resigned in August after his ties with Russia came under scrutiny.

He previously acted as a public relations adviser to Yanukovych who is now living in self-imposed exile in Russia and his Regions Party between 2007 and 2012.

Paul Manafort was Mr Trump’s campaign chief but resigned in August last year. Picture: Matt Rourke/AP
Paul Manafort was Mr Trump’s campaign chief but resigned in August last year. Picture: Matt Rourke/APSource:AP

Mr Leshchenko claimed the alleged 2009 payment to Mr Manafort was backed by a “fake invoice and a fake contract” according to which the American supplied computers to a Belize offshore company.

The money was paid from an account opened by a Belize offshore company in central Asian Kyrgyzstan, he said.

Mr Manafort’s spokesman told The New York Times that Ukrainian anti-corruption officials have “questioned the validity” of the evidence against him.

However, officials have reportedly denied this.

Last year Ukraine released details of secret payments of $12.7 million earmarked for Mr Manafort on behalf of Yanukovych or the Regions Party, although Kiev said it could not be certain that Manafort had ever actually received the money.

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