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Chinese man beats wife and forces her into car boot while bystanders do nothing

Author: News Australia
June 10, 2016 at 12:43
A HORRIFYING video has emerged, which shows a man beating a woman and then forcing her into his car boot at a petrol station — while nobody intervenes.

The distressing footage, which hasn’t been verified, begins with the man slapping the woman reported to be the man’s wife and pushing her down into the boot, reportsThe Sun.

Man throws woman into car boot

Despite growing attention f-rom onlookers, the man continues to grapple with the woman and eventually shuts the boot after a prolonged struggle.

People can be heard yelling “don’t hit her” throughout but do nothing to intervene.

The Chinese man forces the woman into the car boot. Picture: Weibo Media

The Chinese man forces the woman into the car boot. Picture: Weibo MediaSource:Supplied

The man stands around briefly and then returns to the driver’s seat.

Weibo media released the video on June 9 on its social media channel.

The violent episode allegedly took place in China’s Changzhou city in Hebei province.

The man brutally assaults the woman while a male bystander does nothing. Picture: Weibo Media

The man brutally assaults the woman while a male bystander does nothing. Picture: Weibo MediaSource:Supplied

The video has since been shared hundreds of times on Chinese social media and has attracted a disgusted response f-rom Weibo users.

One wrote: “My heart feels heavy, it seems like all people can do when faced with these sort of incidents is just to film it.”

No one attempted to stop the man. Picture: Weibo Media

No one attempted to stop the man. Picture: Weibo MediaSource:Supplied

However, another user stunningly placed some of the blame on the woman.

They wrote: “Under these circumstances, the woman should’ve called for help and should’ve pointed out a specific person to call the police.

“Just resisting without saying a single word is not helpful.”

Earlier this year, China launched its first law against domestic violence, but one in four married women still experience abuse at home.

This article originally appeared in The Sun

The man got into his car and drove away with the woman still locked in the boot. Picture: Weibo Media

The man got into his car and drove away with the woman still locked in the boot. Picture: Weibo MediaSource:Supplied

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