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One Direction

Zayn Malik Reveals Something Huge About Harry Styles

Author: Yahoo Celebrity Source: Yahoo Wellness
April 19, 2016 at 21:54
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The saga of Zayn and the One Direction boys continues. Today, Zayn has actually revealed something about his relationship with Harry Styles

The saga of Zayn and the One Direction boys continues. Today, Zayn has actually revealed something about his relationship with Harry Styles and it's kind of giving us all the feels to be honest!

Zayn and Harry used to be super tight while in the band and then we all know the sad tale of when Zayn left and was given the cold shoulder or so his story goes. Now, he's speaking up and it's not to the media but to his girlfriend Gigi Hadid. He thinks she's the only one that he can trust with this information about Harry...oh yeah and Kendall Jenner, too!

Click to the next slide and find out what Zayn told Gigi and Kendall about Harry!

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