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Donald Trump

Stormy Daniels 'told to leave Trump alone' over affair claims

Source: BBC News:
March 25, 2018 at 21:47
Mr Trump returned to the White House from Florida on Sunday
Mr Trump returned to the White House from Florida on Sunday
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, says she was threatened to keep quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump in 2006.

She told CBS News a man had approached her in a Las Vegas car park in 2011.

The stranger allegedly said "leave Trump alone", then looked at her young daughter and added: "It'd be a shame if something happened to her mom."

Mr Trump strongly denies having had an affair with the actress.

His lawyers are seeking $20m (£14m) in damages from her, saying she broke a non-disclosure deal signed before the 2016 presidential election. She says the claim is invalid.

Ms Clifford said she had had sex with Mr Trump just once, in a hotel room during a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, California, in July 2006. Mr Trump married Melania Trump in 2005.

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