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Tiger Woods

Reports: Tiger Woods had five drugs in his system at time of DUI arrest

Source: USA Today:
August 14, 2017 at 20:19
Video of a dazed Tiger Woods in jail as he takes a breathalyzer test and answers questions from a police officer. USA TODAY Sports

Tiger Woods had five drugs in his system — Vicodin, Dilaudid, Xanax, Ambien and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) —  the night he was chargedwith driving under the influence, according to a report from ESPN.

"As I previously said, I received professional help to manage my medications," Woods said in a statement to USA TODAY Sports.  "Recently, I had been trying on my own to treat my back pain and a sleep disorder, including insomnia, but I realize now it was a mistake to do this without medical assistance. I am continuing to work with my doctors, and they feel I've made significant progress. I remain grateful for the amazing support that I continue to receive and for the family and friends that are assisting me.

"Regarding my back, I recently spoke to my surgeon and he's very pleased with how my fusion is healing. I'm right on schedule. I'm now doing some light lifting, riding a stationary bike and putting a little."

Police in Jupiter, Fla. found Woods asleep in his car, in the middle of the highway, on May 29. Woods failed field sobriety tests and sounded confused as officers asked him questions.

According to a CNN report, a urine test revealed hydrocodone, a generic form of Vicodin, and hydromorphone also known as Dilaudid, two opioid pain medications; alprazolam or Xanax, prescribed for anxiety and panic disorders; zolpidem or Ambien, a sedative prescribed for insomnia; and metabolites of alprazolam and of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. Metabolites are what remains in the body after a person uses a drug.

About a month after the arrest, Woods tweeted that he was going to get professional help to manage his medications. On July 3, Woods tweeted that he had completed his treatment.

Woods, 41, said in a statement after his arrest that it was the result of "the unexpected reaction to prescribed medications." He told an officer he was taking a prescribed medication, the specific medication, however, was redacted in the police report.

Woods underwent fusion surgery on his back on April 19, the fourth procedure on his back since April 2014

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