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Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian denies ‘drug use’ in Snapchat photo: ‘That’s sugar’

Source: News Corp Australia Network:
July 11, 2017 at 20:51

FANS of Kim Kardashian believe she may have revealed more than she wanted to in one of her social media posts.

Followers of the reality TV star on Snapchat spotted a suspect substance in the background of one of her latest Snapchat posts.

Kim K, what’s that behind you? Picture: Snapchat
Kim K, what’s that behind you? Picture: SnapchatSource:Supplied


Huh. Picture: Snapchat
Huh. Picture: SnapchatSource:Supplied

Two lines of white powder sit on a counter in the background as Kim K poses in the foreground - leading many to ponder what exactly the substance was:



Kardashian herself was quick to shut down the talk, replying to one fans tweet alleging that she’d been “caught out with cocaine” by saying: “I do not play with rumors like this so I’m gonna shut it down real quick. That’s sugar from our candy mess from dylan’s candy shop.”

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