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Ex-Fox News contributor alleges she was raped by host Charles Payne, sues network

September 18, 2017 at 22:06
Hughes was coerced into a sexual relationship with Payne in exchange for career opportunities and benefits,” the court papers said.
Fox News, coming off a year of scandal related to a series of sexual harassment claims, was hit with another lawsuit Monday by a political commentator who claimed she was raped and assaulted by a network employee.

In a lawsuit filed in Manhattan Federal court, political commentator Scottie Nell Hughes said she was raped by veteran Fox Business anchor Charles Payne — and then suffered retaliation from the network when she reported it.

Hughes’ lawsuit accused the network of “victim-shaming” and leaking false information to the press that suggested Hughes and Payne had a consensual affair when she first reported the alleged attacks.

According to court papers, Hughes, 37, met Payne, anchor of “Making Money,” in 2013 and was invited to appear on his show numerous times.

In July 2013, while in New York for a Fox program, Payne “pressured his way into Ms. Hughes’s hotel room for a ‘private discussion.’”

It was then that Payne raped her, the lawsuit alleged.

Hughes was “shocked and ashamed,” the suit said, and didn’t report it.

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