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Lawyer sues over claims accused child killer Casey Anthony ‘paid him with sex’

Author: News Australia
May 26, 2016 at 07:58
IT has been five years since Casey Anthony was acquitted of the murder of her two-year-old daughter Caylee but she is still considered one of America’s “most hated women”.

And new allegations f-rom Dominic Casey, private investigator once hired by her legal team will do nothing to raise public opinion of her.

Mr Casey has filed an explosive 15-page affidavit in Ms Anthony’s bankruptcy case, which include claims she had a sexual relationship with her lawyer Jose Baez before she went to trial.

Caylee Anthony, two, and her mother Casey in undated copy photo

Caylee Anthony, two, and her mother Casey in undated copy photoSource:Supplied

He claims he found out that Ms Anthony was trading sex for legal representation in 2008 after producers of a TV show requested an interview with her — which she didn’t want to do.

“(Mr Baez) called the network saying they would have to take a raincheck, hung up the phone and said to Casey: ‘You now owe me three blow jobs,’ ” Mr Casey states in the documents.

Mr Casey, who was hired by Mr Baez, claims the lawyer increased pressure on Ms Casey as she became progressively more broke.

Casey Anthony during her murder trial

Casey Anthony during her murder trialSource:AP

An example of this was one occasion when paid an unannounced visit to Mr Baez’s private chambers only to find “a naked Casey”, who fled the office in embarrassment.

According to the affidavit, Mr Casey says he took Ms Anthony aside for a chat after that incident.

“That night, I told her that she cannot allow him to continue engaging in this behaviour,” he said.

“(Ms Casey) told me she had to do what Jose said because she had no money for her defence.”

Ms Anthony, centre, is overcome with emotion following her acquittal

Ms Anthony, centre, is overcome with emotion following her acquittalSource:AP

In another bombshell, Mr Casey claims Mr Baez told him that Ms Anthony was guilty.

“(Mr Baez) told me that Casey had murdered Caylee and dumped the body somewhe-re and, he needed all the help he could get to find the body before anyone else did,” he said in the affidavit.

Mr Baez this morning rubbished the allegations and indicated his intention to sue Mr Casey.

“I unequivocally and categorically deny exchanging sex for my legal services with Ms Anthony,” he told PEOPLE magazine in a written statement.

“I further unequivocally and categorically deny having any sexual relationship with Ms Anthony whatsoever.”

Casey’s parents, Cindy and George Anthony, parents of Casey Anthony, leave court with their lawyer Mark Lippman (right) after their daughter was found not guilty of Caylee’s murder.

Casey’s parents, Cindy and George Anthony, parents of Casey Anthony, leave court with their lawyer Mark Lippman (right) after their daughter was found not guilty of Caylee’s murder.Source:AP

Caylee Anthony was reported missing in July 2008 by her maternal grandmother Cindy, who complained she had not see the little girl for 31 days and that Casey’s car “smelled like it had a dead body in it”.

Cindy went to the police after becoming suspicious with Casey’s excuses about the whe-reabouts of her daughter. At one stage she claimed Caylee had been kidnapped by the nanny.

On December 11, 2008, the toddler’s remains were found wrapped in a blanket inside a rubbish bag in a wooded area near the family home.

Duct tape found near the skull led the medical examiner to rule the death a homicide but officially listed it as “death by undetermined means”.

Ms Anthony was acquitted of Caylee’s murder in 2011. Nobody else has been c-harged over the toddler’s death.

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