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Opinion: With Kaepernick, Nike showing racial equality can be profitable

Source: CNN Business
September 7, 2018 at 00:44
Opinion: With Kaepernick, Nike showing racial equality can be profitable
What's wrong with Kaepernick commercializing his cause? Nothing. Nike's dollars and reach are the boost that will ensure Kap's place in history.

No platform reflects the ideals of America at any point in history like advertising. It echoes the country's ambitions more than television, movies or print. The narrative of progress drives American ambition. And now Nike, the biggest sports apparel company in the world, has decided to make Colin Kaepernick the face of its new large marketing campaign.

Today, in our capitalist economy, Nike broadcasts that standing for racial equality is a dream worth aspiring to. It also demonstrates a belief that standing for racial equality is financially profitable. In a country where money and power are inextricably tied together—where a 30-second advertisement during the Super Bowl costs $5 million—Kaepernick now finds himself with the most powerful platform in America: an advertising campaign for a multibillion-dollar corporation.

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