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United States

Trump Declares National Emergency Because of ‘Invasion’ at Border

Source: Variety:
February 15, 2019 at 13:06
Trump predicted that the emergency declaration would get tied up in courts, but that he ultimately would prevail.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency to secure funding to build a physical barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border.

In a speech at Rose Garden at the White House, Trump said, “we are talking about an invasion of our country.” He cited the flow of illegal drug and human traffickers, as well as gangs, at the border.

He said many other presidents have taken similar steps, even as critics say his move could lead to a constitutional showdown over the separation of powers between the presidency and Congress.

On Thursday, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell announced that Trump would declare an emergency, and it triggered immediate vows from Democratic lawmakers and state attorneys general that they are likely to challenge the move in court. Even some congressional Republicans have expressed their misgivings, saying it would set a precedent for future presidents to bypass Congress.

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