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United States

Trump bickers with top Democrats over border wall funding

Source: BBC News:
December 11, 2018 at 17:54
US President Donald Trump repeatedly threatened a government shutdown over funding for his proposed border wall in a budget row with top Democrats.

During a heated exchange with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Mr Trump said he would be "proud" to shut down the government over border security. 

Lawmakers are seeking to reach a spending deal before some government funding expires later this month.

Mr Trump has asked to include $5bn (£4bn) in the deal for border security. 

But Senator Schumer and Congresswoman Pelosi said they agreed to extend funding for the Department of Homeland Security at current levels of $1.3bn until 30 September. 

Trump and Schumer
Mr Trump and the Democratic leadership often interrupted each other during the meeting

Mr Trump opened the Oval Office meeting calling it a "great honour" to have Mr Schumer and Mrs Pelosi present, in their first meeting since Democrats took control of the House of Representatives in the November mid-term elections. 

But the meeting soon turned contentious as Mrs Pelosi and Mr Schumer argued that the Republican-controlled Congress could pass legislation before funding for some agencies was set to expire on 21 December. 

The president contended that it could only pass if it met his demands for more funding for his proposed border wall along the US southern border.

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