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Donald Trump

Poll: Americans split 42%-42% on impeaching Trump

Source: USA Today:
July 24, 2017 at 10:05
The USA Today and iMediaEthics poll shows half of voters are for Trump being impeached while the other half are against it.

WASHINGTON — Just six months after his inauguration, Americans already are split down the middle, 42%-42%, over whether President Trump should be removed from office, a new USA TODAY/iMediaEthics Poll finds.

While no serious effort is now underway in Congress to impeach Trump, the results underscore how quickly political passions have become inflamed both for and against the outsider candidate who won last year's campaign in a surprise. A third of those surveyed say they would be upset if Trump is impeached; an equal third say they would be upset if he's not.

Those findings, designed to measure the intensity of opinion, also show a perfect divide, 34%-34%.

"I don't really trust him — all the things he's done while he's in office, all of the lies, the investigation that goes on with him, the things he says to his staff," Vera Peete, 47, of Antioch, Calif., said in a follow-up phone interview. The caregiver from suburban San Francisco, an independent who voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton for president, was among those called in the survey.

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