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Giuliani removes himself from Cabinet consideration

Source: USA Today:
December 9, 2016 at 17:20
The secretary of State short list just lost a name.

On Friday afternoon, Donald Trump’s transition team announced that longtime loyalist Rudy Giuliani had removed his name from consideration for any Cabinet post in the new administration.

“Before I joined the campaign I was very involved and fulfilled by my work with my law firm and consulting firm, and I will continue that work with even more enthusiasm,” Giuliani said in a statement. “From the vantage point of the private sector, I look forward to helping the President-elect in any way he deems necessary and appropriate."

Trump said he would call on Giuliani for advice and “can see an important place for him in the administration at a later date."
The former New York mayor had been a top contender for secretary of State, and his name was being pushed from many Trump loyalists who did not like the idea of former Trump critic Mitt Romney in the post.

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