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EU leaders agree to delay Brexit until 31 October
EU to offer UK Brexit extension until October 31, review in June (Malta PM Muscat)
Brexit: Why a long extension worries Europe
The president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, has urged European Union leaders not to humiliate Theresa May when they discuss her latest request to delay Brexit.
Snub? Theresa May arrives in Berlin for Brexit talks… and Merkel doesn’t come to greet her
British Prime Minister Theresa May’s arrival in Berlin for (yet another) round of Brexit talks on Tuesday got off to an awkward start when she emerged from her car and found Chancellor Angela Merkel had not shown up to greet her.
France plans tax cuts to quell yellow vest anger
The French prime minister says cutting taxes must be a priority, in response to a national debate that focused on the yellow vest protesters' grievances.