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Counting under way in UK's historic referendum on EU membership

Source: BBC News:
June 23, 2016 at 18:10
Counting is under way in a referendum that will decide whether the UK remains a member of the European Union.

The counting is taking place at centres around the UK in a vote widely seen as too close to call.

There is no exit poll - so the millions who cast a ballot will have to wait until results start coming in to find out how the country voted.

Flash floods in the South of England disrupted voting and led to some polling stations being relocated.

An online survey taken on polling day of 5,000 people by YouGov suggests the Remain side running at 52% of the vote, to Leave's 48%. Ipsos Mori have released polling from Thursday and Wednesday suggesting Remain will get 54% and Leave 46%.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage told Sky News it "looks like Remain will edge it," although his supporters later said that he had not conceded defeat.

The referendum result, which should be known by breakfast time on Friday, could be a turning point in the UK's relationship with Europe and the rest of the world.

If the UK becomes the first country to exit the EU it will arguably be the biggest blow to the 28-nation European Union since its formation.

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