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Triple H Will Cement Seth Rollins As WWE's Top Babyface, Kevin Owens As Top Heel

Source: Forbes Magazine:
August 30, 2016 at 13:48
Triple H cost Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns the WWE Universal Championship on Raw, laying both superstars out with pedigrees and allowing Kevin Owens to win the title in a Fatal 4-Way match that also included Big Cass.

Not even the craziest theories predicted a Triple H return during the bout, but oh yes, it happened. And it worked wonderfully.

After the disappointing injury to Finn Balor at SummerSlam caused WWE to reshuffle most of its major plans, the company needed something big for this week’s Raw, something that would turn the negative of Balor’s injury into a positive for someone else.

Luckily for the fans, that’s just what we got.

Prior to Raw, Rollins was clearly positioned as the top heel on Raw and really in all of WWE while Owens was teetering on the cusp of the main event picture, though he’d never been fully inducted into it. That changed on Monday thanks to Triple H.


When Triple H basically hand delivered the Universal Championship to Kevin Owens, he flipped the script on WWE. Rollins, who’s been WWE’s top heel (when active) for more than two years, is now set to be its biggest babyface, and Owens, arguably the company’s best overall performer in 2016, is finally where he belongs at the top of the card, with the support of Triple H, nonetheless.

Rollins’ babyface turn has been a long time coming, too. The fans have been dying to see him in that role for much of the last year, if not longer, and when he returned to a massive pop at Extreme Rules in May, he was set up perfectly for a face turn until WWE got cold feet and forced him heel.
But now? There’s no better time for Rollins to finally make that 180 degree turn and morph into a fan favorite because he’s been an unofficial one for a while anyway.

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