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Kaepernick’s girlfriend: He won’t be standing for anthem

Source: NY Post:
October 8, 2017 at 19:14
Kaepernick quoted Winston Churchill in own tweet Sunday, also implying that reports were false.

Pro-football quarterback Colin Kaepernick has no plans to stand for the national anthem if he gets another job in the league, his girlfriend said Sunday, following reports he would spike his protest given a second shot.

“The reports that Colin will stand for the anthem are completely false! He has never discussed this with anyone,” tweeted Kaepernick’s gal pal, Nessa Diab,after stories that he would change his tune to land a job surfaced again Sunday.

Kaepernick quoted Winston Churchill in own tweet Sunday, also implying that reports were false.

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. Winston S. Churchill,” the former San Francisco 49ers hurler wrote.

Kaepernick has been an unsigned free agent since 2016 — after he started kneeling to protest police brutality in the country. Teams are reportedly wary of hiring him because of the public backlash over him kneeling.

NFL players took up his mantle in recent weeks, drawing ire from President Trump and setting off a national firestorm over the protests. Vice President Pence walked out of an Indiana Colts game Sunday after players took part in the protest.

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